So I took an unintended long break from my short blogging stint and now I'm back. It was nice to discuss my life online and I missed it. I will be honest and say that my hiatus began because I started a search for a much easier to remember blog address. Alas, I am far from creative and I couldn't come up with anything. Then, life just took off and all of a sudden, it's October.
Here's a quick recap:
July: Mr. J and I went to visit Big Sis in DC over 4th of July weekend.
August: I took the GMAT for the second time and did worse. It was awful and now I have to regroup and push back my b school plans another year. This also made me decide that I need to sign up for the CFA Level I exam in June. I can't be out of the game this long without something to show for it, right? Fun, fun, fun!
September: We went to TX for our friends' wedding. Mr. J was the Best Man and I was a bridesmaid. It was beautiful and thankfully, drama free.
October: Finally headed to Europe for a vacation we've been talking about for years. We went to London, Amsterdam, and Paris for 10 nights and it was amazing. So much to blog about, so please stay tuned!
january dumpin’
3 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing the link, I really appreciate it! I will pick up the studying after the holidays. GL to you on the GMAT! When will you take it?