We woke up bright and early on our last full day in Paris. I was super excited since we were heading to the Palace of Versailles. Alas, the French workers' strike changed our plans. There were no trains running to Versailles that day and I was very disappointed. So close, yet so far away...
Since we had to change our plans last minute, Mr. J and I decided to do a leisurely stroll around some shops and sights. We spent some time looking for souvenirs as well.
The best shopping street in Paris, in my opinion, is actually Avenue Montaigne. Yes people, it's better than St-Germain. Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Fendi, oh my.
We passed by this lovely beauty, which was parked on the street. Every man who walked by it was drooling. lol. For those who aren't into cars, meet Mr. Aston Martin. ::sigh::
My bestie was in Paris 6 months before we went and highly recommended this restaurant, Angelina. It's on Rue de Rivoli right near the Louvre and Tuileries. Unfortunately, we only passed by the place and never had a chance to dine in it. I hear the chocolat chaud (aka hot chocolate) is freaking amazing. It's supposed to taste like a melted chocolate bar. Although the chocolat chaud is offered in many places in Paris, apparently Angelina's is one of the best.
The reason we passed on Angelina was because I wanted to head to a neighborhood in Paris called Montparnasse. It has the tallest skyscraper in France, called Tour Montparnasse. We weren't too impressed by the neighborhood right around the building and didn't bother to go to the top.
We did, however, head to a restaurant called La Coupole. It's a fav hangout by some of literary history's big names, like Hemingway. I had their chocolat chaud and my heart was in love.
By the time we made it back to our hotel for the evening, we were exhausted. I never got a chance to buy the LV bag I planned on purchasing in Paris. Why? Because they were sold out at every freaking store I went to, including the major department store. It was not meant to be :-(
Anyway, for our last dinner in Paris we went to a place called Le Bistro St-Ferdinand (275 Boulevard Pereire). It was right around the corner from our hotel. We really lucked out since we were seated right before the big crowds arrived. It's supposed to be one of the harder reservations to land in the area (who knew?).
I only remembered to capture the top of the menu before we delved right into the food and wine that night. If you are ever in the area, I highly recommend the restaurant!
One of these days, Mr. J and I want to return to Paris. We fell in love with the city and cannot wait to go back again.
Jusqu'à la prochaine fois :-)
january dumpin’
3 weeks ago